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Rome, capital of Italy, according to tradition it was founded by Romulus the April 21, 753 b.c. , is considered one of the most beautiful town in the world. Its historic center comprises well 25,000 points of environmental interest and is among the 50 italian sites entered on the Unesco World Heritage List. The city enjoys a typical mediterranean climate, mild and comfortable in spring and autumn, for the presence of green areas scattered throughout the territory of the commun, Roma represents a unique location in the western world for the vastness of the farm land around to the town and the interpenetration between city and countryside. Its territory has natural landscapes diversified by the environmental characteristics unique mountainous regions and hills, plains, the Tevere river and its tributaries, the neighbourgs lakes of Bracciano and Martignano, in addition to Tiberina  island river. Roma is also near at the sandy coast of the Tyrrhenian sea, the Lido di Ostia. The central core of the city is constituted by the historians seven hills: Palatine, Aventino, Capitol, Quirinal, Viminal, Esquiline and Caelian Hills: Palatino, Aventino, Campidoglio, Quirinale, Viminale, Esquilino e Celio.

“ Ci si annoia talvolta a Roma il secondo mese di soggiorno, ma giammai il sesto, e, se si resta fino al dodicesimo, si è afferrati dall’idea di stabilirvisi”.

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