Location - Nuovo Progetto

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How to reach us
The B&B is located in Laterani street at 28. Telephone number +39 338 7050244. info@acasadimarta.com

From the Leonardo da Vinci Airport. Take the shuttle train to the Termini Railway Station, where you will find the bus 85 or 87; stop in San Giovanni place or in the Amba Aradam street, which is precisely the parallel to the via dei Laterani. From Ciampino Airport connections are a little more complex, if you prefer, we suggest you take advantage of our taxi service (for 4 person is 40 euro).
From Roma Termini railway station you will find the bus 85 and 87, it drops in San Giovanni place or in Amba Aradam street, which is the parallel to the via dei Laterani.
By car, from the highways take the GRA (Grande raccordo anulare) direction "center of Rome", after you take the tangenziale est direction San Giovanni place, you turn to the left in La Spezia street, after you get Appio place (front COIN), you have to pass through the arches and continue in the direction of S. John basilica, as long as on the left you will find an Egyptian obelisk, on the right you see the hospital and at the first traffic light, turn left into via the Laterani.

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